Saturday, 3 March 2012

Angry Kid (DJ) The Photoshoot

Well you wouldn't believe how interesting locations in and around High Wycombe can be. We spent the day with Angry Kid (DJ) the lovely Cassie Donnie Valenti with hair and make up courtesy of Natasha Goodhand-Tait. Locations were kindly provided by Bucks New University, Evans Furniture and Wycombe Air Park.
We were hoping for a nice flat grey sky so the lighting we were using would be less of a challenge, but no, the sun came out. What a photographer that doesn't like the sun, well no, not on this occasion, but saying that,  towards the end of the day the lovely yellow light did really set the mood for some of the images. As always working in public places with a camera you'll always draw a crowd and that we did.
We've updated the Visual Solutions Facebook page with a preview album where there are a lot more images to see.

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